Caller ID & CNAM Print

  • DID, Caller ID
  • 104

Caller ID is a telephone service that transmits the calling party´s number to the called party´s telephone . When available, the Caller ID number can be complemented with Caller ID name (e.g. John Smith).

If you are placing outgoing calls you will likely need to pass a Caller ID to ensure proper termination of your calls, particularly to reach toll free numbers.

There are two types of caller ID and it is important to differentiate them: Caller ID Number (CID) and Caller ID Name (CNAM).

Please note that the Caller ID is only guaranteed while using our Premium routes, and only for US48 and Canadian calls.

Incoming Caller ID (from people calling you) is addressed below.



  • 1 Outgoing Caller ID number
  • 2 Outgoing Caller ID name
  • 3 Incoming Caller ID number and name


Outgoing Caller ID number

Caller ID number is the most common Caller ID type passed. If a more complex system capable of passing its own Caller ID is being used, such as a PBX, the Caller ID field is likely set from the trunk, or one of its extensions.

If you are using devices like Analogue Telephone Adapters, IP phones, or softphones, the Caller ID number is available to be set from your account via the customer portal.

The Caller ID number for a sub account can be set at time of creation, or later by clicking Edit on the subaccount.

It is strongly suggested a 10 digit Caller ID number be set to ensure proper call termination. The portal's Caller ID field only supports numerical digits. Anonymous and Toll free Caller IDs are not recommended, especially when Calling Toll free numbers, to reduce potential connection issues.

Outgoing Caller ID name

The Caller ID name is an additional information you can pass along with your Caller ID number. This will be received on the callee's end and it could be your given name or the name of your Business.

For example: "John Smith"<5195551234>

The sample above is a Caller ID that includes both Caller ID name and Caller ID number, commonly abbreviated as CID and CNAM among other variations.

At this time it is not possible to set a Caller ID name from the portal.

If you will be making calls to Canadian numbers, you can simply pass the Caller ID name from your device or system as most of them support this. You will need to check for a field on the interface from the device to enter this setting, and in case you are using a more advanced system, get assistance to set the outgoing Caller ID name set up.

The Caller ID name on US calls works differently, this is controlled by a national CNAM database with records of numbers and names matching each number. When you make a call to a US number, you will send a Caller ID number and the system will check the CNAM database for a name matching that same Caller ID number in order to display both name and number to the final phone.

CNAM is only available for some USA numbers. In order to update your Caller ID on the CNAM database for your US calls, there is a process to follow which has a cost of $14 CAD (one time only fee). Please contact our support staff to get further details on what information you need to submit and to confirm if your local US DID is available for a CNAM update.

CNAM update is only available for some Local US DIDs. Toll frees can not have their Caller ID name updated.

Incoming Caller ID number and name

You will receive the Caller ID number and Caller ID name that the server receives from the caller, this is exactly what will be sent to you on Incoming calls. You can always check what Caller ID number receives by going into your Call Detail Records to check the incoming calls.

The incoming Caller ID name, works almost the same way, except that this is an optional setting that you need to enable per DID number on the DID settings page. This option is called "CallerID Name Lookup". When enabled, the system will perform a query on the LIBD/CNAM Database, for callers with Canadian or US CID number, in order to find a name matching that CID number. The system then will display the result of this query in the Caller ID name portion of the Caller ID, leading to a "Caller ID name"<5195551234> when people call your number.

If the calling number is already in your phone book, the name will be taken from there instead of doing a CNAM lookup on an external database.


The majority of the Canadian DID numbers support CNAM Pass-Through. This means that for your incoming calls the system won't do a CNAM query (and also not charge you) if the incoming call already has a Caller ID name, even if the DID receiving the call has the CNAM queries enabled in your customer portal.


On a side note, outgoing Caller ID is not guaranteed on calls to Canadian cellular numbers, even when using the Premium route. This is due to the way Canadian carriers work - they sometimes pass a random Caller ID that they have on record, changing the original. This is out of our control as it is the way Canadian carriers handle calls to cellular numbers. There are also issues with incorrect Caller ID being sent on outbound toll-free number calls from Bell Mobility (and its resellers); the display shows a disconnected Bell number in an area code corresponding to the caller's location instead of the caller's mobile number.

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